Flight 13

Iqualuit – Kuujjuaq

The city of Iqualuit, the capital and largest city of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, is connected to the world only by boat and air. The shipping only works from mid-summer, when the surrounding sea melts, and so for the rest of the year the nearly 7,000 residents rely on air travel. The local airport is well prepared for this and has a runway suitable for most transport aircraft, which is why it also houses a centre for testing new aircraft for their behaviour in cold climates. And from this particular airport, I am taking a flight across Katannilik Territorial Park and the Hudson Strait to the Canadian province of Quebec. During the flight, the plane is icing up, even though the de-icing is on. It doesn’t thaw until the next few minutes of the flight. I continue over Akpatoka Island and Ungava Bay and end the flight by landing at Kuujjuaq Airport.

  • Distance: 640.8 km
  • Total distance: 7 053.3 km
  • Flight time: 2 hours 22 minutes
  • Total flight time: 25 hours 56 minutes

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