Flight 31

Antofagasta – Iquique

I’m flying out of the sunny city of Antofagasta, Chile. It is known for its incredible geographical diversity. This narrow and long country stretches over 4 300 kilometres in length and encompasses a wide range of natural beauty, from dry deserts to glaciers, from coastal beaches to high mountains. The unique combination of climatic and geographical conditions allows travellers to explore diverse environments in short distances. I have a flight ahead of me to the port city of Iquique, which promises endless coastal views of the Pacific Ocean.

After an hour’s flight, I land at Diego Aracena International Airport.

  • Distance: 333.4 km
  • Total distance: 25 479.9 km
  • Flight time: 1 hour 8 minutes
  • Total flight time: 88 hours 04 minutes

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